Toby Nixon

Toby Nixon

He has historically been an outspoken member of the business community, and public safety is — and has been — at the top of his priority list.

Toby Nixon


Position: 4

Looking to serve for a fourth term on the Kirkland City Council, Toby is a fierce advocate for Kirkland. His elected experience in the State House of Representatives and as a Fire Commissioner, and his years of leadership on environmental protection and open government make Toby one of the most acclaimed public officials on the Eastside.

Toby also helped co-chair the Citizens for One Kirkland effort back in 2009, which ultimately led to the annexation of Kingsgate, North Juanita, and Finn Hill.

“You deserve access to the same information as city council members to the maximum extent possible, so you can fully understand the decisions the council makes and the processes by which things get done in Kirkland,” he said — a perfect testament as to why we are endorsing once again.

Top Endorsements: Washington Association of Realtors